World of Japanese taste

Kaiseki – Japanese delight


Sitting in good company (Kai) and enjoying good food (seki), is not only appreciated in Japan. Kaiseki is a philosophy of preparation which puts the quality of the ingredients first. Only the best of the best ingredients are used and arranged in such a way that it could be referred to as an artform.


Miso soup, sushi and soy sauce are probably the most well-known flagships of the Japanese cuisine. The ingredients contained in these export hits are among the traditional mainstays of the country's cuisine: soy, rice, fish & seaweed.


The most important ingredients & spices of Japanese cuisine

Wasabi (Japanese horseradish)

  • Teriyaki sauce (soy sauce, mirin and honey)
  • Mirin (sweet cooking sake, rice vinegar)
  • Goma (sesame seeds)
  • Sanshou (Japanese pepper)
  • Miso (fermented soy bean)
  • Tamarind paste
  • Shouga (ginger)
  • Yuzu (citrus fruit)
  • Shichimi togarashi
  • Dashi (fish broth)
  • Kombu (seaweed)
  • Konbudashi (seaweed broth)
  • Sake (rice wine)
  • Karashi (Japanese mustard)

The real Japanese taste

Ingwer, gemahlen

Product tip

Ingwer, gemahlen
180 g
Shichimi Togarashi grob

Product tip

Shichimi Togarashi grob
200 g
Gomashio grob

Product tip

Gomashio grob
280 g
Teriyaki Sauce

Product tip

Teriyaki Sauce
750 ml

Product tip

500 ml
Ingwer, gemahlen

Product tip

Ingwer, gemahlen
180 g
Shichimi Togarashi grob

Product tip

Shichimi Togarashi grob
200 g
World of Japanese taste

Recipe recommendations

Gemüse Maki-Sushi
Gemüse Maki-Sushi
Gebeizter Lachs "Japanese Style"
Gebeizter Lachs "Japanese Style"
Japanische Shichimi Togarashi-Variation
Japanische Shichimi Togarashi-Variation
Gebratene Entenbrust "Gomashio"
Gebratene Entenbrust "Gomashio"
Japanische Gomashio-Variation
Japanische Gomashio-Variation
Gemüse Maki-Sushi
Gemüse Maki-Sushi
Gebeizter Lachs "Japanese Style"
Gebeizter Lachs "Japanese Style"
Japanische Shichimi Togarashi-Variation
Japanische Shichimi Togarashi-Variation
Gebratene Entenbrust "Gomashio"
Gebratene Entenbrust "Gomashio"
Japanische Gomashio-Variation
Japanische Gomashio-Variation
Gemüse Maki-Sushi
Gemüse Maki-Sushi
Gebeizter Lachs "Japanese Style"
Gebeizter Lachs "Japanese Style"
Japanische Shichimi Togarashi-Variation
Japanische Shichimi Togarashi-Variation